
Top 10 Images of 2019

I know I don't share my photography work quite as much around here anymore. To be honest, 2019 was a tough year for me creatively in that area.  I went through a little bit of an identity crisis. Mom life has become busier than ever.  Having three kids in school and activities is no joke.… Continue reading Top 10 Images of 2019


The Hour-by-Hour Photography Project

Over the last few years I've completed a 365 project; one photo everyday for a whole year.  While I've loved all the little everyday moments I was able to capture during those projects, this year I wanted to try something a little different. Something that would still allow me to capture our story, but also… Continue reading The Hour-by-Hour Photography Project


10 on 10: March 2018

This week has been a whirlwind.  Crazy weather, the anticipation of vacation and my BABY turning THREE! I'm just hoping that when I return from vacation the weather will have finally decided that it's spring and that my baby will magically be a baby again. I can hope, right?! At this point, I'm not sure… Continue reading 10 on 10: March 2018


10 on 10: February 2018

I know I'm only just starting on month 2, but I'm really proud of myself for keeping up with my Huppy Hours Project.  It's also making me realize just how hectic and emotional Mondays are.  We usually don't have big plans, maybe just a few errands that need to be completed, but Monday still feels… Continue reading 10 on 10: February 2018


Huppy Hours 2018: Weeks 3 & 4

I've decided not to do a true 365 project this year {one picture everyday for a year}. I completed one last year and it was the best decision I've made artistically. It taught me so much about my camera, the way I shoot and who I am as an artist. I grew so much my… Continue reading Huppy Hours 2018: Weeks 3 & 4


Huppy Hours 2018: Week 2

Yep, you read that right. I finally chose a name for my weekly hour-by-hour photo project; Huppy Hours. You know, because we're the Hupp family and these are hours in our life and also, because I love happy hour.  {see week 1 here} I chose to do these on Mondays because Mondays are no fun… Continue reading Huppy Hours 2018: Week 2